Friday, April 7, 2017

That's a Wrap!

Thursday night was the last night of our film shooting. So basically we went to Jessica's house and filmed an entire scene there but.... we're not gonna use it. We have the auditorium scene and then the scene we just filmed at home and we didn't think they flowed together well. It also seemed like we were trying to squeeze as much as we could in only 2 minutes which isn't necessary.

So I guess we're sticking with the auditorium scene! I think this scene can capture  the meaning of our film. We wrote the voice over (which I will write about on the next blog post) and it's going to explain how Rae feels about school and her dream. I wrote it as dramatic as I could. We're most likely going to layer some music with the voice over to give it more emotion. In this scene we also introduce her friend Julia and we're going to give her a sarcastic kind of persona.

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